We are grateful for all the volunteers who are involved in our SpielMobil project. We are glad about everyone else who joins our teams or supports our ministry with a donation.

By donating on a monthly basis, you can ensure that the SpielMobil will be sufficiently equipped with materials and others supplies, as well as sound play equipment. In addition, your support helps us to cover the ongoing expenses of gasoline, insurances, and staffing. 

All donations are tax deductible within Germany as we are recognized as a non-profit organization!

There is also the possibility of donations in kind, such as play equipment, crafting materials, and supplies for our coffee and tea station. Hereby, you can also help facilitating our SpielMobil project.

If you want to donate directly for the SpielMobil, please use our donation form below.

For donations via bank transfer, you might use the following bank details:

Kirche in Aktion e.V.
Keyword: SpielMobil
IBAN: DE84520604100004004787
Evangelische Bank